Installation + Upload
Import your brand new Landing Page!
Last updated
Import your brand new Landing Page!
Last updated
Good to know: Please follow these steps after you have a fresh install of WordPress on your hosting server!
Once you download your website assets upon purchase you must unzip your file. Once you unzip the file you will see a "Website Import.wpress" file along with several other files.
Log into your fresh WordPress website (via your admin login.txt file).
Once you have landed in the dashboard you must navigate to the "plugins > add new" section which can be found on the left menu bar
In the search bar, type "All-in-One WP Migration" (By: ServMask)
Install & Activate the plugin to being site import.
Navigate to your new menu item that says "All-In-One WP Migration. Once you hover over it click on import.
After clicking on import you will see the "Import Site" Section.
Navigate to your downloaded website assets folder then safely drag the "Website Import.wpress" file to import.